For the first few days after emergence drones are fed by workers which are in age 4-6 days The food of adult drone honeybees (Apis mellifera),
, Volume 5, p.7-11, (1957)
[1] see also Age and behavior of honey bee workers, Apis mellifera, that interact with drones,
, Volume 117, Number 5, p.459–468, (2011)
[2]. During this time drones stay in the centre of the nest The distribution of bees in a honey-bee (Apis mellifera L.) colony,
, Volume 35, p.141-144, (1960)
[3]Behavior repertoire of adult drone honeybee within observation hives,
, Volume 19, p.706-721, (1974)
[4]. Maturation of drones can take up to 12 days after emergence The life and flight activity of drones,
, Volume 47, p.93-100, (1966)
[5]. Older drones spend more time on honey stores which are at peripheries of the nest. They walk on the combs, beg for food and groom themselves Behavior repertoire of adult drone honeybee within observation hives,
, Volume 19, p.706-721, (1974)
[4] but most of the time they remain inactive The food of adult drone honeybees (Apis mellifera),
, Volume 5, p.7-11, (1957)
[1]. Drones older than seven days are not fed by workers and feed themselves from honey stores The food of adult drone honeybees (Apis mellifera),
, Volume 5, p.7-11, (1957)
[1] but never collect nectar from flowers even if they are starving. Presence of drones can help in nest thermoregulation Contribution of honeybee drones of different age to colonial thermoregulation,
, Volume 40, Number 1, p.82-95, (2009)
[6]. Some drones leave the nest with swarm A study of the behavior of drones in swarming honey bees Apis mellifera L,
, Ithaca, p.45, (1971)
[7]The drone population of natural honeybee swarms,
, Volume 16, p.145-149, (1977)
[8] but do not fill their crop with honey Drone engorgement in honey bee swarms,
, Volume 66, Number 5, p.1005–1006, (1973)
Younger drones received more vibration signals from workers than older drones Communication signals used in worker–drone interactions in the honeybee, Apis mellifera,
, Volume 78, Number 2, p.247–254, (2009)
[10]. Drones receiving the signal had slightly lower thorax weight in comparison to drones at the same age not receiving the vibration signal The influence of drone physical condition on the likelihood of receiving vibration signals from worker honey bees, Apis mellifera,
, Volume 59, p.101-107, (2012)
[11]. After receiving the signal drones increased activity and interacted with workers more often Communication signals used in worker–drone interactions in the honeybee, Apis mellifera,
, Volume 78, Number 2, p.247–254, (2009)
[10]. The vibration signals occurred more often in the morning and there was no relationship between vibration signal and drone flight Communication signals used in worker–drone interactions in the honeybee, Apis mellifera,
, Volume 78, Number 2, p.247–254, (2009)
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