Fore wing length is measured from wing tip to the point where the wing articulates with thorax on anterior edge.
The wing length can be used as a measure of body size.
Cubital index (in millimetres) of workers from species of genus Apis:
- A. cerana 7.27 - 9.02 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 1.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1], 7.472 - 9.020 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 9.5) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. dorsata 12.5 - 13.5 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 1.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. florea 6.0-6.9 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 1.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. laboriosa 14.2 - 14.8 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 4.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1]. - A. mellifera 7.64 - 9.70 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 4.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
Wing length (in millimetres ±SD) of workers from subspecies of A. mellifera:
- A. m. adami 9.085±0.040 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 11.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. adansonii 8.45±0.16 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 12.2) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. armeniaca 9.068±0.144 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 11.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. anatoliaca 9.188±0.134 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 11.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. capensis 8.95±0.37 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 12.2) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. carnica 9.403±0.150 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 14.1), 9.176 - 9.403 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 14.2) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. caucasia 9.319±0.183 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 11.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. cecropia 9.184±0.152 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 14.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. cypria 8.865±0.149 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 11.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. iberiensis 9.253±0.173 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 13.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. intermissa 9.185±0.241 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 13.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1], 9.0302±0.1503 Apis mellifera ruttneri, a new honey bee subspecies from Malta,
, Volume 28, Number 5, p.287–293, (1997)
[2] - A. m. jemenitica 8.13±0.19 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 12.2), 7.868 - 8.219 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 12.3) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. lamarckii 8.38±0.25 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 12.2) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. ligustica 9.208±0.175 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 14.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1], 9.1539±0.0918 Apis mellifera ruttneri, a new honey bee subspecies from Malta,
, Volume 28, Number 5, p.287–293, (1997)
[2] - A. m. litorea 8.40±0.10 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 12.2) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. macedonica 9.180±0.151 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 14.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. mellifera 9.334±0.111 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 13.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. meda 8.967±0.231 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 11.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. monticola 8.85±0.23 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 12.2) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. ruttneri 8.6966±0.1139 Apis mellifera ruttneri, a new honey bee subspecies from Malta,
, Volume 28, Number 5, p.287–293, (1997)
[2] - A. m. sahariensis 8.948±0.165 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 13.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. scutellata 8.66±0.16 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 12.2) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. siciliana 8.976±0.158 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 14.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1], 9.0028±0.0909 Apis mellifera ruttneri, a new honey bee subspecies from Malta,
, Volume 28, Number 5, p.287–293, (1997)
[2] - A. m. simensis 8.7820±0.2248 (Meixner et al. 2011, Tab. 3) The honey bees of Ethiopia represent a new subspecies of Apis mellifera - Apis mellifera simensis n. ssp.,
, Volume 42, Number 3, p.425–437, (2011)
[3] - A. m. syriaca 8.482±0.228 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 11.1) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
[1] - A. m. unicolor 8.77±0.32 (Ruttner 1988, Tab. 12.2) Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees,
, Berlin, (1988)
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