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The Secret Minds of Bees

"These insects may experience emotions similar to our own" Agitated honeybees exhibit pessimistic cognitive biases,
Current Biology
, Volume 21, p.1070-1073 , (2011)

Worker with Nasonov gland exposed

Honey bee worker exposed Nasonov gland and is fanning with its wings in order to spread Nasonov gland secretion.

How the Honey Bee Tolerates Some Synthetic Pesticides

"A new study reveals how enzymes in the honey bee gut detoxify pesticides commonly used to kill mites in the honey bee hive. This is the first study to tease out the precise molecular mechanisms that allow a pollinating insect to tolerate exposure to these potentially deadly compounds." CYP9Q-mediated detoxification of acaricides in the honey bee (Apis mellifera),
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
, Volume 108, Number 31, p.12657-12662, (2011)

Flight of the honey bee played to the tune of RFID

"Using RFID technology, a group of researchers were able to conduct a study to determine the homing abilities of the honey bee, according to PLoS ONE Journal." Large Scale Homing in Honeybees,
PloS one
, Volume 6, Number 5, p.e19669, (2011)

Bees reveal flight secrets

"Scientists at The Vision Centre have fooled the honeybee into revealing its flying secrets by tethering the creature and running background images past its eyes. This tricks the bee into thinking it is ‘flying’ and it moves its body into a posture for rapid flight – even though both it and the air are still." Honeybee flight: a novel ‘streamlining’ response,
The Journal of Experimental Biology
, Volume 214, Number 13, p.2215, (2011)

New Bee Viruses Identified: Finding Offers Baseline to Study Colony Collapse

"A 10-month study of healthy honey bees by University of California, San Francisco scientists has identified four new viruses that infect bees, while revealing that each of the viruses or bacteria previously linked to colony collapse is present in healthy hives as well." Temporal Analysis of the Honey Bee Microbiome Reveals Four Novel Viruses and Seasonal Prevalence of Known Viruses, Nosema, and Crithidia,
PloS one
, Volume 6, Number 6, p.e20656, (2011)

Wild pollinators contribute more than honeybees

"Bumblebees, solitary bees and other wild pollinating insects are much more important for pollinating UK crops than previously thought, say researchers." Pollination services in the UK: How important are honeybees?,
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
, p.DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2011.03.020, (2011)

Climate change leads to concern about honey bees

"After several years it will then be possible to assess the impact of climate change on the behaviour of bees. Mr. Henneken has already noticed a strong correlation between temperature and swarming activity."

Bee line

"The researchers also found that bees released from longer distances did not reach their hives until two to three days later. This is because the bees had to constantly drink nectar to refuel, or spend time searching for the correct paths." Large Scale Homing in Honeybees,
PloS one
, Volume 6, Number 5, p.e19669, (2011)

Guardian - Experts puzzled by big decline in honeybees over winter

"Honeybee populations declined by 13.6% over the winter, according to a survey of beekeepers across England. Losses were most severe in the north-east, where the survey recorded a loss rate of 17.1%."