At emergence hindgut of queens is empty but after 24-48 hours there is 10-30 μl of faeces Honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) queen feces: source of a pheromone that repels worker bees,
, Volume 13, Number 3, p.583–591, (1987)
[1]. Young queens often release faeces during fighting. In laboratory conditions the faeces of young queen repel workers and stimulate autogrooming behaviour, but this effect is not present in case of queens older than 2-3 weeks Honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) queen feces: source of a pheromone that repels worker bees,
, Volume 13, Number 3, p.583–591, (1987)
[1]. In natural conditions workers are attracted to the faeces and imbibe it “Spraying” Behavior During Queen Competition in Honey Bees,
, Volume 16, Number 3, p.425–437, (2003)
The faeces contain (accordng to o-Aminoacetophenone, a pheromone that repels honeybees (Apis mellifera L.),
, Volume 44, Number 3, p.270–271, (1988)
- ortho-aminoacetophenone
- decanoic acid
- dodecanoic acid
- octyl decanoate
- decyl decanoate
- decyl octanoate
- tetradecyl decanoate
- octanoic acid
- benzoic acid
- l-dodecanol
- octyl octanoate
The first five components are not present in faeces of workers Characterization of queen-specific components of the fluid released by fighting honey bee queens,
, Volume 9, Number 4, p.161–167, (1999)
[4]. Benzoic acid and octanoic acid were present in faeces of queens and workers Characterization of queen-specific components of the fluid released by fighting honey bee queens,
, Volume 9, Number 4, p.161–167, (1999)
The faeces of young queens have a milky yellowish-brown color and a strong floral scent. The faeces of queens older than 2-3 weeks are clear with pieces of dark solid matter and have a rancid odour Honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) queen feces: source of a pheromone that repels worker bees,
, Volume 13, Number 3, p.583–591, (1987)
[1]. The floral smell of the faeces of young queens is probably caused by presence of ortho-aminoacetophenone which smells like grapes o-Aminoacetophenone, a pheromone that repels honeybees (Apis mellifera L.),
, Volume 44, Number 3, p.270–271, (1988)
[3]. This compound is responsible for repelling properties of the queen faeces in laboratory conditions and can be considered as a pheromone o-Aminoacetophenone, a pheromone that repels honeybees (Apis mellifera L.),
, Volume 44, Number 3, p.270–271, (1988)
[3]. The queen faeces can be used for queen recognition or nestmate recognition Honeybee nestmate recognition: effects of queen fecal pheromones,
, Volume 18, Number 9, p.1633–1640, (1992)
A queen can be stimulated to release faeces in laboratory conditions Coprological examination for nosematosis in queen bees,
, Volume 6, p.126-127, (1964)
[6] this method can be used for detection of Nosema spores without sacrificing the queen Occurance of Nosema disease in queen of honey bee [in Polish],
, Volume 29, p.209-217, (1975)
[7]. It is more difficult to stimulated workers to release feaces Induced defecation in honeybees,
, (2015)
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