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Queen egg laying

Honey bee queen egg laying

Honey bee queen during egg laying. See also worker egg laying.

Age of the first oviposition (onset of oviposition) of naturally mated queens (mean±SE) is 10.6±0.1 days and it ranges from 4 to 22 days Effects of honeybee queen weight and air temperature on the initiation of oviposition.,
Journal of Apicultural Research
, Volume 26, Number 2, p.73–78, (1987)
[1] see also The age at which young queens (Apis mellifera) begin to lay,
Bee World
, Volume 30, p.15–19, (1949)
[2]. Distribution of those values is positively skewed Onset of oviposition by honey bee queens, mated either naturally or by various instrumental insemination methods, fits a lognormal distribution,
J. Apis. Res
, Volume 47, Number 1, p.1–9, (2008)
[3]. Normally the queen starts egg laying soon after mating. If the mating is delayed because of unfavourable weather Effects of honeybee queen weight and air temperature on the initiation of oviposition.,
Journal of Apicultural Research
, Volume 26, Number 2, p.73–78, (1987)
[1] or lack of drones the onset of oviposition is delayed as well. Therefore, there can be large differences in onset of oviposition between geographic locations, years and months of the year. Heavier queens tend to start oviposition earlier Weight of queens and their quality [in Russian],
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[5] but see Effects of honeybee queen weight and air temperature on the initiation of oviposition.,
Journal of Apicultural Research
, Volume 26, Number 2, p.73–78, (1987)
Queens instrumentally inseminated at age of 8 days start oviposition 9.1±4.1 days (mean±SD) later Onset of oviposition by honey bee queens, mated either naturally or by various instrumental insemination methods, fits a lognormal distribution,
J. Apis. Res
, Volume 47, Number 1, p.1–9, (2008)
[3]. Onset of oviposition of instrumentaly inseminated queens can depend on month of the year Seasonal effects on artificial insemination of honeybee queens (Apis mellifera L.),
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[7], weather Factors affecting oviposition of artificially inseminated honey bee queens,
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[8], carbon dioxide treatment Effect of carbon dioxide on initial oviposition of artificially inseminated and virgin queen bees,
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[11], method of storage of queens after instrumental insemination Effect of the number of attendant worker bees on the initiation of egg laying by instrumentally inseminated queens kept in small nuclei.,
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[12]Oviposition undertaking by honey bee queens kept in nursery cages with free flying bees [in Polish],
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The maximum queen egg laying rate averaged among many studies was 1865.1±495.6 eggs per day (mean±SD) Behaviors of adult queen honeybees within observation hives. I. Behavior patterns,
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